Live where others go on vacation. In harmony with nature and yet right in the middle of the city. The demands on living are increasing, and with them the trend among architects worldwide to implement the topic of green living accordingly in their architectural designs. In the process, wonderful projects are being created from Amsterdam to Georgia and even into the mountains of Spain.
Live greener, live more relaxed
It has been proven that people achieve more peace and inner serenity when their living environment gives them this. Nature gives us a fresh start, revives our energies and is therefore the ideal place for stressed city dwellers to relax. How nice would it be if they didn’t have to drive out to the countryside anymore, but could just step out of the door of their apartment complex? Right in front of it: lush grass, avenues full of trees, jogging paths, playgrounds and so much more. It’s a dream that has now become reality in some major cities around the globe. The challenge is to push ahead with corresponding large-scale projects and find the perfect locations.
Green architecture implemented in farmhouses
Farm houses for one or quite a few residents. Triangles as living modules that can be stacked. In between, smaller modules as arable land for growing fruit and vegetables or for planting a flower garden. Infinitely expandable and therefore as changeable as they are needed. Compatible for a family or in a high-rise concept. This is the farmhouse concept of the two architects Chris and Fei Precht from Studio Precht. The couple has long wondered how nature and human can come closer together, not only on large tracts of land, but also in the middle of the city. Completely flexible and unattached, and yet so productive that you can simply earn your own food without having to make large purchases for it. An idea with a future, one that is wonderful to behold.
It’s so green in Amsterdam
In Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the Valley is a city within a city, and a very green one at that. Scientists are already predicting that the population will continue to grow. Around 70 percent of all people will live in metropolitan areas by 2055. This makes it all the more important not only to provide them with new living space, but also to make it as livable as possible. One realization of this aspiration is “The Valley,” designed by the MVRDV architectural firm. The Valley consists of three towers that glow in lush greenery. The lower levels are open to visitors, who can wander through parks there. Higher up, the apartments are laid out in a nested pattern, with green terraces and pathways in between. This makes it possible to quickly recharge in nature and still have the necessary retreat from the other residents. And there are quite a few of them, as The Valley houses 198 apartments in total.
Green architecture does not include plants alone
However, it is not sufficient to implement green architecture by simply planting lush greenery and creating oases of tranquility for the residents. In principle, the entire planning should be designed with environmental protection aspects in mind. The building materials should come from renewable raw materials, the dwellings should be oriented toward the sun, in order to be able to save energy also in the winter, for the illumination and the heating of the living spaces. In addition, the buildings should have good insulation and be as self-sufficient as possible, i.e. create sustainable energy with solar energy or similar natural sources. All this requires money, time and precise planning. How good that many architects have not tired to take care of such projects with devotion. The first signs are already visible and people seem to like them, the large residential complexes that nevertheless bring with them the flair of a village. The close connection between town and country and the many advantages of living this way are very popular.
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