Idea sketches, 3D models and special mood boards with material and texture patterns: we deliver the templates for your information policy for your employees and all parties involved. This means that you can get an idea of your future place of work before redevelopment gets under way. For every assignment, we implement an outstanding, timeless design because we believe that carefully designed rooms have a positive effect on the way people coexist and on well-being and productivity.
The real GC design teams of interior architects, graphic artists and furniture designers will work closely with you to stage the room design concept, from the design of the walls to the furniture and the decorative elements. All concepts will be in keeping with your corporate identity. We use our modern concepts for office, retail and home design to motivate your employees and customers in their day-to-day work, to inspire everyone involved and to ensure that your employees and customers identify with your company. Our work also includes on-site installation and setup.