
open-storeShopfitting is only an unimportant framework for the presentation of goods? Anyone who thinks like that will hardly be able to convince with the atmosphere in the room. With a good concept for shopfitting, the customer is presented with an impressive ambience that encourages them to linger, buy and come back. It is the small details in the store from which the shopfitting creates convincing buying arguments. Shopfitting is therefore the basis for successful marketing in the store and must thus be thoroughly planned and organized. With a professional partner at your side, this is no problem.

The benefits of professional shopfitting

In addition to the presentation and placement of goods, shopfitting is one of the most important measures of psychostrategic and psychotactic trade marketing. Store fittings leave a lasting impression on the customer, especially in retail. Due to the diversity of today’s trade and product assortment, differentiation from the competition through the ambience and customer service is essential. Furniture that suits the purpose of the sale, inviting lighting, suitable accessories and a selected color scheme invite customers to linger and hence increase customer satisfaction and sales.

The shopfitting process

shopfitting-processIf you want your shopfitting concept to be convincing, then you have to pay attention to a number of things as early as the planning phase. The store layout and the allocation of space altogether form the basis for atmospheric store design. Spatial features such as exits, columns, windows and stairs are fixed components that must thus be included in the planning. But ceiling height, access to ventilation systems, the location of the cash register, and escape and logistics routes must also be taken into account at this stage.

With the fixed components in mind, the store can be divided into different functional zones and product groups. The arrangement should be based on typical movement and viewing patterns that reflect customer behavior. Now it’s time to define walkways and create a thematically and atmospherically appropriate environment for the products. This can include lettering, logos and seasonal promotions. The design goes beyond the interior surface. The exterior facade must also visually match the store flair.

Players and entities involved

In order to develop and complete a whole store design concept, several entities work closely together. Architects and interior designers take over all planning processes in cooperation with the client. Partner trades are engaged for the implementation: Carpenters, drywallers, floor layers, painters and lighting suppliers are just a few examples. To unify all steps, it makes sense to hire a general contractor.

The process involves upstream suppliers and subcontractors who take care of the manufacturing and delivery of elements for interior finishing. This includes, for example, socket connections, wall coverings and showcases. Lighting specialists take care of lighting consulting, lighting design and a suitable lighting concept. Specialists for building services engineering deal, among other things, with floor coverings and roof technology, while security engineers install alarm systems and electronic article surveillance. The store fittings are made by furniture makers. Store fitters therefore have to deal with many different specialist areas. They become creative in terms of design and have expertise in craftsmanship.

Phases of shopfitting

phases-of-shopfittingThe services of a shopfitter are divided into consulting, planning, design, manufacturing and installation. The process is roughly divided into the following steps:

  • Planning: in the planning phase, a concept is first developed that fits the company’s philosophy and target group. This is then transferred to the space by preparing detailed sketches and floor plans. Important permits are also obtained during this phase. An initial cost estimate is already provided at this stage. The price is very individual and depends on the area, effort and conception.
  • Project planning: Now the implementation of the project starts. The preliminary planning is completed and an exact project planning of the sales area is created. Now tenders for suitable partners can begin and the first goods can be procured.
  • Realization: With competent partners at your side, the plan can then be put into practice. Construction work, installations and design work begin. The result is finally the fully equipped store.
  • Support: Once the store is finally open, the shopfitter’s work is not quite done. The store concept has to be adapted and revised again and again. In addition, the store fitter is available to customers as a competent advisor in the event of problems.

Shopfitting systems

shopfitting-systemIn order to speed up the shopfitting process, one can resort to so-called shopfitting systems. These are prefabricated, standardized furnishings. They can be easily coordinated with each other and can be exchanged, extended or converted at any time. Another advantage is their timeless style, which can be adapted to constantly changing products.

In retail, most shelving systems are part of a store design system. Examples include wooden shelving systems, perforated wall systems, plug-in display cases, grid systems and plastic cubes for product presentation. Those with very specific color or material requirements, however, should opt for the more expensive individual store fitting assembly.

How clients benefit

how-clients-benefitSmall details are often decisive for a customer’s decision to buy. In a nice ambience, people like to spend more time, thus discovering more products and gladly coming back. Increasing customer numbers, customer frequency and purchase totals increase the profitability of a sales area. In addition, an appealing environment brings the emotional benefits of the products to the fore: decisions based on gut instinct and impulse purchases increase as a result.

A well thought-out store design goes hand in hand with clear planning of walkways and logistics routes. This results in better orientation for customers on the one hand and acceleration and optimization of work processes for employees on the other. In the long term, an investment in shopfitting therefore manifests itself in price advantages through an increase in efficiency in the store.

Success factors for a store fitting concept

Despite standardized basic equipment, probably the most important success factor in shopfitting is to develop an individual concept for each customer. The design must be tailored to the merchandise and the group of buyers. In addition, the store concept must of course be tailored to the individual requirements of the business. Only a unique and innovative sales environment will convince. The customer should always be the focus.

A shopping world in which the customer can experience the product world on an emotional level triggers buying incentives. When browsing through the store, subconscious messages are sent to the customer. A multisensory environment with acoustic and olfactory stimuli conveys a lively shopping experience. Supplements with digital measures are also useful. Store furniture must fit into the space in a functional, thematically coherent and flexible way. So on the whole, it’s the small details that make the difference in store design.

This is what you need to consider when choosing a store fitter

In order to achieve optimal results, you need an experienced and competent partner at your side. Especially competence in the planning process is essential for the success of the project. This includes a good consulting service and professional support. After a detailed planning phase, a good shopfitter will be on site to supervise the shopfitting process. Since each industry has its own requirements, it makes sense to approach an industry-specific specialist. A partner who responds to individual wishes is the cornerstone for a successful shopfitting concept. For orientation, one can rely on experience and references to previous projects. If you want to save time and money, you should think about installing a shopfitting system as a systematic component. Cooperation with a general contractor also saves time and coordination effort.

Shopfitting at a glance

In short, a successful shopfitting concept can increase the profitability of a retail space. A pleasant atmosphere encourages customers to shop and come back. Details in store design, digital design elements and sensory stimuli, have the potential to increase customer satisfaction and thus sales. With the right partner at your side, shopfitting creates an individual and appealing sales environment. Shopfitting is more than just stubborn interior design: it gives a store character, atmosphere and creates a feel-good ambience. A good reason to perfect your shopfitting with an expert at your side.

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Image Copyright: Artem Beliaikin, Karolina Grabowska, martynaszulist, shattha pilabut, gonghuimin468